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Bundle - Prosperity💰

Bundle - Prosperity💰

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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Bundle of Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite, Jade, Green Aventurine mini tower, Chinese Money coin, and a handmade prosperity spell jar.

  • Tiger's eye balances the soul, alleviates anxiety, and restores confidence. It is used to increase wealth, luck and vitality. Tiger's Eye brings protection against negative energy and strengthens self-worth.
  • Pyrite protects against negative energy, encourages inner strength and promotes creativity. It is associated with attracting wealth and abundance.
  • Jade is most well known for its association with luck, abundance, and wealth. It is also grounding and calming and can increase intuition and connection to spiritual worlds.
  • Aventurine is considered to be especially lucky when you are manifesting wealth. It is also the stone of opportunity, opening doors to new possibilities for you to be successful, especially in the financial realm.
  • Chinese money coins are believed to be able to attract wealth and prosperity and to ward off evil spirits. 
  • Prosperity spell jar- these spell jars were personally handmade with the intention of abundance and prosperity. They include an array of herbs, oils, spices, crystals, money, and other items, sealed off with green wax, to help you attract wealth, prosperity and success. Set the jar somewhere you can see it. Look at it every day to remind yourself of your intention.
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