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*Bundle- Summer Solstice ☀️

*Bundle- Summer Solstice ☀️

Regular price $9.00 USD
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Bundle of Sunstone, raw Honey Calcite, Lemon Calcite, and raw Citrine, with Carnelian chips, Golden Healer chips and dried yellow daisy petals. 

☀️Summer Solstice falls on June 21st in the northern hemisphere. It is the longest day of the year, the point when the Sun’s power is the strongest and most powerful. It is a time for expansion, manifesting, appreciation, and the celebration of the gift of Light.

Use this bundle to honor the Sun and all it does for us.

  • Sunstone is associated with the radiance of the sun and the energy it produces to sustain life. Sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life.
  • Honey Calcite helps us regain our personal power by easing our troubles and worries during challenging times enabling us to realize we are strong enough to persevere through anything.
  • Lemon Calcite is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal strength and drive.
  • Citrine carries the energy of the sun, radiating warmth and positivity. It is believed to attract wealth and success.
  • Carnelian is a stabilizing stone and is excellent for restoring vitality. A stone of abundance, it motivates for success in business and other matters. 
  • Golden Healer is a high vibration crystal, a master healing crystal that empowers dimensional healing. It is said to represent the life-giving power of the Sun.
  • Yellow daisies- The bright yellow center of a daisy shows you the sun. The petals of these flowers symbolize rays of light. It makes the daisy a symbol of hope and renewal.
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